home about Peace Angel Farm garlic Varieties and Info. contact
Paul Zorn - Grower
Peace Angel Farm is located in southern Ohio, just a short drive north east of Cincinnati. It is owned and operated by Paul Zorn and specializes in the growing of select varieties of garlic, including many varieties from around the world, heirloom varieties and standard storage varieties.Paul has been growing garilcs for the past twelve years; First experimenting with many varieties, seeking out only the best suited garlics for the unpredictable Southern Ohio climate.He now grows between five to ten varieties a year, offering for purchase those varieties most hardy and storage friendly. Not to mention those, to die for garlics prized by great chefs and home cooks everywhere. He is a Natural Grower, which means that he does not use any chemical pesticides or fertilizers in the growing of his crops. He starts with Certified Organic Stock, so from start to finish you can be assured that you are getting only the best. Paul also has fresh Blueberries and Blackberries available during the growing season. If you happen by on a day when the big OPEN flag is waving down by the driveway. Drive on up...that flag means that there are berries for sale.At Peace Angel Farm they only sell what they grow. Unlike many farm stands these days who have produce and fruits brought in, just so that they can have something to sell, at Peace Angel Farm, the open flag only goes out when they have been up that morning picking fresh berries. Being on a main highway, with a heavy traffic flow, they sell out fast. Look for the fresh basil to be in around the middle of July. 000000Blueberry Cages All Rights Reserved: Peace angel Farm, Morrow Ohio 2000-2006